International Economic and Trade


Program Title

    International Economic and Trade

Objective of the Program

    Training with international trade business and customs declaration, inspection, freight forwarders knowledge. It creates the graduates to skilled personnel with practical operation, comprehensive quality for foreign trade enterprises.


    Three years

Core Courses

    International Trade Practice

    Foreign Trade Document & Certificate

    Foreign Trade Merchandiser Practice

    Custom Declaration Practice

    Inspection and Quarantine Practice

    Practice of International Freight Forwarder

Core Professional Skills

    1. Mastering the business procedures of import and export, and having the ability to engage in documentary operations and related management in foreign trade enterprises.

    2. Familiaring with all kinds of documents, and having documents preparation ability in internatianal trade or related services enterprises.

    3. Familiaring with customs declaration, inspection process, and having the operation or agent ability with import and export customs clearance.

    4. Grasping the internatianal goods transport, insurance and freight forwarding, shipping procedures, and having the logistics operation ability in foreign trade or freight forwarding agency enterprises . 
