


A Brief Introduction to Tourism Management


.专业名称 Program Title  

旅游管理专业Tourism Management

.专业培养目标 Objective of the Program


The main objective of this major is to cultivate students to be thehigh-quality technical talent with good professional ethics andstrong professional skills, creativity and social adaptationability, engaging in tour guide, travel agency, scenic spots andother service and management working positions.

.学制 Duration

3年 Three years

.专业核心课程 Core Courses

旅游学概论 Introduction to Tourism

酒店管理概论 Hospitality Management

会展概论Introduction to the MICE Industry

邮轮经营管理Cruise management


旅游管理专业英语Tourism English

.专业核心技能 Core Professional Skills


1. Students of this major should master basic theories andknowledge of tourism major; Have strong English conversationability, be more proficient in the use of English for thisprofessional work; Have certain words and language expressionability; Good interpersonal and coordination skills.


2. To master the professional skills of the tour guide and travelagency management completely, including daily operation managementand service skills in business department related to travel agency.Cultivate students for familiar with professional skills of cruise,high star hotel, including hotels, cruise ships and other dailyoperation management and service skills in related businessdepartment.


3. To cultivate students' ability about how to apply theknowledge and solve practical problems flexibly, and have strongcommunication and organizational skills; Have high professionalquality in travel industry.




