
1.9 医疗服务

  1. 江苏海事职业技术学院医务室为留学生提供医疗服务,费用自理。



    3.南京市急救中心的电话是:120 110



江苏省中医院。 地址:汉中路156号,电话:025-86617141

南京市口腔医院。地址:中央路30号, 电话:025-87713522


  1. 距离学校最近的一家医院:南京医科大学附属逸夫医院。约两公里距离。

医院地址:南京市江宁区龙眠大道109号。 可直接坐出租车或者公车819路前往。


1.9 Medical Services

  1. JMI provides medical services for international students at their own cost. The school infirmary is located in the north of South Tower of No.4 Building in Qinyuan (No. 43 on the map).

2. After the international students purchase the insurance, they should call the insurance company using the customer service telephone printed on the back of the insurance card to negotiate for payment of medical expenses and health insurance as soon as possible if they need to be hospitalized or suffer accidental injury.

3. Telephone of the Emergency Center in Nanjing: 120 or 110.

4. Addresses of several major hospitals in Nanjing are provided below:

Jiangsu Province Hospital, address: No. 300 Guangzhou Road, Tel: 025-83718836;

Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM, address: No. 156 Hanzhong Road, Tel: 025-86617141;

Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, address: No. 30 Zhongyang Road, Tel: 025-87713522;

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, address: No. 321 Zhongshan Road, Tel: 025-83304616.

5. The nearest hospital is: Sir Run Run Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, about 2km from the school.

Address: No.109 Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing. Students may

get there by taking taxi or Bus 819.

Tel: 025-87115710, 025-87115712
